Sho Koi Impact Fish Food

Sho Koi

SKU: 11751 UPC: 00611479000103
  • $69.99
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This is the only fish food your Koi fish will ever need. 

We can go on and on about some scientific analysis and breakdown of OPTIMÛN, but the bottom line is that OPTIMÛN simply the best immune booster incorporated in Koi food that is available for both quality and overall fish health. This is because OPTIMÛN is the most effective immune boosting additive in the marketplace, period! As a complete solution, Sho Koi, Impact contains all the necessary ingredients for a balanced diet. This is the only fish food your Koi fish will ever need. 

Having clearly documented success in the veterinary community, Sho Koi, Inc. is the first and only company to introduce, and use, the immune booster OPTIMÛN, in the aquaculture industry. 

On a selfish note, the creators formulated this product because of their own personal world-class Koi collection. This prestigious collection was hand-picked from Japan and won many awards at Koi shows, nationwide. Most of these fish were not for sale and were the pride of our founder. Fish like this deserve only the best food. 

Since our founder loved all Koi fish so much, he wanted to share the formulation with all Koi fish owners. Our product is used by serious Koi enthusiasts, those who are just getting started and everyone in between. The way we see it, all Koi fish deserve to enjoy the benefits of the top immune booster in the industry, for health and longevity. 

Following is a more scientific explanation: 

Let us tell you how OPTIMÛN can stimulate the immune systems of Koi fish!

OPTIMÛN is formulated as a biogenetic performance enhancer that is incorporated into our Sho Koi, Impact, to ensure the maximum benefit to Koi fish. This special diet provides higher daily weight gains, better feed conversion, reduced mortality, and improves their overall health by significantly enhancing and fortifying the immune system. 

The reason that OPTIMÛN has so many beneficial effects is that it is a rich source of nucleotides, a key component of DNA and RNA which play a vital role in cell processes. The production of nucleotides by fish, or any animal, is a time and energy consuming process. The genetic material of all cells is made of two types of nucleotides that are either synthesized - or - taken up in their diet.

As each cell divides, it duplicates its genes so that large quantities of nucleotides are needed. Curiously, those tissues which are closely involved with immunity (kidneys and white blood cells) are not able to manufacture these molecules, so they need to import them – usually from the liver. This means that when there is a sudden demand for these cells to multiply, as when infection and disease occurs, the short-term availability of nucleotides may slow the rate of response to this threat. Since nucleotides can be added and taken up from food, a tremendous amount of research has been carried out to see whether nucleotide-rich dietary supplements can help a fish to fight disease. 

Results from these studies have clearly shown that an overall increase in health and fitness is quite marked, and since they can be supplied continuously without the fear of overdosing, many problems which arise from immunopotentiators are avoided.

Sho Koi, Impact

Koi food with OPTIMÛN promotes the rapid and optimum development of specific cells vital during periods of high reproductive performance, as well as viral and other disease challenges. It helps your koi fish maintain an efficient digestive tract during high levels of feeding which result in better food conversion. Research has shown a more effective uptake of nutrients from food during digestion.

Increased food conversion results in better growth, improved health, and an increase in energy. Also, there is less fecal waste, reducing the amount of nitrates entering the water, ultimately improving the water quality. OPTIMÛN also improves the performance of vaccines by providing extra protection against specific water-borne pathogens and diseases such as aeromonas.

Guaranteed Nutritional Analysis: 

  • Crude Protein (min) 38%
  • Crude Fiber (max) 2.55%
  • Phosphorous (min) 0.93%
  • Calcium 1.01%
  • Crude Fat (min) 6%
  • Moisture 10%
  • Ash 4.36%


The Superior Ingredients of SHO KOI, IMPACT with OPTIMÛN

ANCHOVY FISH: Highly consistent in quality and better than the traditional white fish meal, anchovy meal provides ALL the essential amino acids and greater digestibility for Koi and pond fish… A wonderful “fueling” food for your Koi, and other pond fish.

SOY MEAL: Highly nourishing source of vegetable protein and essential amino acids which provide a fine source of energy. Research clearly shows Soybean Meal to be an outstanding source of plant protein for Koi, and other pond fish.

ALFALFA: Superior source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and protein. Alfalfa also serves to enhance pigmentation and external color.

WHEAT GERM: The embryo of the wheat seed. Wheat Germ is rich in vitamins - especially Vitamins B & E, and Linoleic Acid. Linoleic Acid is essential in animal nutrition.

SPIRULINA: A high-nutrient alga, Spirulina Platensis is quickly digested and can be fed at low temperatures. It also acts as a “color” food which strengthens the colored areas of your Koi and other pond fish.

GLUTEN PROTEIN: A highly digestible and valuable plant protein.

HYDROLYZED PROTEIN MEAL (“Feather Meal”): One of our best kept secrets, this ingredient is a very digestible source of high protein and amino acids. It also provides an irresistible flavor to Sho Koi, Impact.

DI-CAL: Di-Calcium Phosphate… The best source of calcium and phosphorous for Koi fish. Calcium is needed in much larger quantities than other minerals for the formation, and maintenance, of a healthy bone structure. Phosphorous is needed for the all-important task of metabolizing protein, calcium, and glucose (sugar). Without it, Koi fish may exhibit weight loss, abnormal growth, and anemia.

VITAMIN FD: Complete Source of vitamins for Koi fish health, vitality, energy, and resistance to disease. Vitamins facilitate the chemical processes that take place within the tissue cells of Koi fish. An insufficient supply of vitamins can result in numerous ailments, and poor overall health of Koi fish. Included are:  Vitamins A,C,D,E,K,B1,B2,B6,B12, Choline, Niacin, Biotin and Folic Acid.

FISH OIL: The primary source of fat, and essential fatty acids, needed for vitality in cell membrane structure and formation of the insulating layer of fat between the muscle and skin of Koi, and other pond fish. Fat dramatically increases their ability to retain body heat, serving as somewhat of a shock absorber. Fat is also a source of nutrient reserves which enhances sustainability through the cold seasons.

VITAMIN C -(Stabilized): One of the most important vitamins for Koi and pond fish health. Vitamin C is much needed in additional measure. Vitamin C functions: 1) Immunity booster, 2) Resists disease, 3) Bone formation, 4) Skin and other connective tissue, 5) Promotes wound healing, 6) Fighting bacterial infections, 7) Strengthens the wall of capillaries (tiny blood vessels).

CHOLINE: A vitamin of the B-Complex found in Lecithin. Choline is essential in the metabolism of fat. It serves to help colorful Koi to create and maintain their rich, vibrant colors.

OPTIMÛN:  OPTIMÛN is a thoroughly tested, highly effective biogenetic performance enhancer that will result in better food conservation, better growth, improved health, reduced mortality and an improved immune system of Koi and other pond fish. OPTIMÛN gives them a TRUE measure of extra protection against sickness and disease, and it significantly improves the performance of vaccines. 

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